Early Christian church (Panagia in chalasma)

Early Christian church (Panagia in chalasma)

6th – 7th century AD,
Early Christian church, Religious attraction

In the place of Malamis, near the Chrysani Community (P. Velliani) of Paramythia, ruins of Early Christian Triangle Royal Church are preserved. It dates back to the late 6th century, early 7th century., It is a characterized archaeological site and in accordance with YA 15794 / 19-12-1961 – Government Gazette 35 / B / 2-2-1962 “Preserved Monument”. This is a particularly rare architectural type, similar to this Dodoni. “In the narthex and its northern and southern extremes, two symmetrical square apartments protect. In the interior of the church there were two mallets and built circular abusive, from which only their traces are preserved.” In the area of ​​the sanctuary of the old temple, after his destruction, a small church was built, which works to date and is dedicated to the zodiater source.

Quick Information

6th – 7th century AD,
Early Christian church
Religious sight