The Plataria Folklore Museum was founded at the initiative of the local cultural club in 2007 and has been hosted since then at the old elementary school of the village. “The emergence and promotion of folk culture, organization, recording and maintenance of objects, their report to the public and enrichment of the collection” are the main purpose of the museum. It is worth noting that the collection emerged from the donation and borrowing of articles, mainly from the residents of Plataria and the surrounding regions, which were recorded, were evaluated by them the exhibits were evaluated. The report was designed based on the specificities of all selected items, namely their usability and functionality, their rarity and aesthetic value. The exhibition “illustrates” life before industrialization and is a “representative sample of popular culture of the time”. The first section involves work outside the house mainly related to traditional professions and production and / or acquisition of raw materials and goods and the second objects of household equipment, mainly related to personal and family life (Friday and eating, individual production and household clothing, furnishings and home lighting). Visitors are proposed to confirm the operating hours before their visit.